Our News and Events

Recent Grads

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Congratulations to our recent PhD graduates Grace Guo, Hayeong Song, Arpit Narechania, and Jay Wang. They are moving on to Harvard (PostDoc), Western Digital (Research Data Scientist), Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Faculty), and OpenAI (Safety Researcher), respectively. In the photo, Hayeong and Arpit are with their advisors, John and Alex.

CHI 24 Participation

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Professor John Stasko Earns IEEE VGTC Lifetime Achievement Award

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Professor John Stasko received the 2023 Lifetime Achievement Award from the IEEE VGTC. This award recognizes John for his “seminal contributions to the value of interaction in information and visual analytics research and to the design and evaluation of software and information visualization”. Read more about this award and John's research at here .

Atlanta Vis Meet-up!

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A big thanks to Alex Endert and Emily Wall for hosting the Atlanta Vis Meet-up. It was exciting to have our colleagues from the Georgia Tech Visualization Group, the Cognition & Visualization Lab at Emory, Georgia State University, Google, Microsoft, and Augusta University share their fantastic projects.

Arpit is a Foley Scholar Finalist!

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The Foley Scholars Program recognizes the achievements of top graduate students whose personal vision and innovations in their research fields have the potential to shape how people interact with technology.

Prof. Yalong Yang joins the VIS group

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Assitant Professor Yalong Yang joined the School of Interactive Computing at Georgia Tech this fall. He directs the Immersive Visualization & Interaction Lab (IVI Lab) focusing on building interactive systems in VR/AR for productivity. Yalong came to us from Virginia Tech, where he served as an Assitant Professor in the Department of Computer Science. He also spent two years as a Postdoctoral Fellow at Harvard University after obtaining his Ph.D. from Monash University, Australia. He brings added expertise in the area of VR/AR to the VIS group.

John with his II Group family!

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Greetings from the Bay Area! Current students and alumni of the Information Interfaces Group celebrated John Stasko's ACM Fellow Award over a wonderful lunch and a tour through San Francisco.

Arpit received Teaching Certificates

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The Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) facilitates a robust teaching certificate program to prepare graduate students and postdocs for academic faculty positions. These "future faculty" engage in a combination of courses, workshops, and online resources in evidence-based teaching followed by a mentored teaching capstone.

John named an ACM Fellow

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This joins his 2014 IEEE Fellow recognition to complete the double of top recognitions for computer scientists.

Arpit and Adam win Poster awards

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Narechania presented different ways to bin data on a map; Coscia presented their work on visualizing what large language models have learnt. Both won travel grants!

VIS 22 Participation

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The GT Visualization Lab contributes to the VIS conference this year in a number of ways. This includes 2 papers, 4 short papers, and 4 posters.

Fred wins SIGCHI dissertation award

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Dr. Fred Hohman won the SIGCHI Outstanding Dissertation Award and gave a talk at ACM CHI 2022 summarizing his dissertation and reflecting on his research on interactive interfaces for machine learning interpretability.

Arpit wins poster award

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Arpit Narechania represented Team vitaLITy and won the College of Computing Award at the annual Career, Research and Innovation Development Conference (CRIDC) for their poster on VitaLITy Promoting Serendipitous Discovery of Academic Literature.

Arjun wins dissertation award

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Arjun Srinivasan won the IEEE VGTC Award for the top Visualization-related PhD Dissertation of the past year for his work on multimodal interfaces to visualization systems.

COVID-19 research awarded CDC contract

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The Center for Disease Control has awarded a $300,000 contract to Georgia Tech to help study human behavior and interaction with the COVID-19 Risk Assessment Tool, a mapping tool that allows users to assess the risk associated with attending events of different sizes. The team will be working with psychology resarchers at Duke University to measure how access to information changes behavioral response to attending events in the midst of COVID-19.

New CHI papers

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VIS Group researchers contributed three full papers at CHI '21 on topics such as animated visualizations, natural language specifications of visualizations, and causal perception in Q&A systems.

POInt Research Symposium

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The POInt Research Symposium was a hit. It drew 50 participants from across the world in a virtual setting to discuss the future of spatial data that represents points of interest. There were 13 speakers, including four Tech graduate students. The discussion session pointed to a clear need for more data/analysis on how POI usage, and how communities can map and make good use of these data. A special issue on Social Infrastructure in the journal of Computational Urban Science will invite papers on this topic.

Stasko interim chair for IC

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In March 2021, John became the Interim School Chair for the School of Interactive Computing in the College of Computing. John will lead IC while it undertakes the search process for a new full-time chair.

Arpit wins poster award

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Arpit Narechania represented Team Lumos and won the Executive Vice President for Research (EVPR) Award at the annual Career, Research and Innovation Development Conference (CRIDC) for their poster on Lumos: Increasing Awareness of Biases during Visual Data Analysis.

New VIS papers

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VIS Group members contributed to IEEE VIS 2020 through co-organizing workshops, serving on the organizing and program committees, and publishing new papers.

Strong Showing at VIS ’19 in Vancouver

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GT Visualization researchers had multiple papers, posters, and organizational roles at the IEEE VIS 2019 meeting in Vancouver, Canada in October. Overall, we were part of six full papers, five short papers, three workshops, and a tutorial. Prof. Alex Endert served as Co-General Chair for the meeting, and Prof. John Stasko was inducted into the initial class of the Visualization Academy. To learn more about the specifics of their contributions, please see the press release about involvement.

Prof. Clio Andris joins the VIS group

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Assistant Professor Clio Andris joined Georgia Tech this fall and holds a joint appointment between the Schools of City and Regional Planning and Interactive Computing. Dr. Andris comes to us from Penn State University where she served as Assistant Professor in the Department of Geography. She founded and directed the Friendly Cities Lab and conducts research in the areas of spatial networks and social flow theory. She brings added expertise in the area of geovisualization to the VIS group.

VIS 24 Participation

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The GT Visualization Lab contributes to the VIS conference this year in a number of ways. This includes 10 papers, 4 workshop papers, and 5 posters.

Grace receives IBM PhD Fellowship

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The IBM PhD Fellowship supports Ph.D. students with expertise artificial intelligence (AI), hybrid cloud technology, quantum computing, data science, security, and the next generation of cutting-edge processors. Read more about Grace's work here.

VIS 23 Participation

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The GT Visualization Lab contributes to the VIS conference this year in a number of ways. This includes 9 papers, and 3 posters.

Arpit facilitates TA and Future Faculty Workshops

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These workshops are offered by the Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) at Georgia Tech. The "Universal Design for Learning" workshop is part of the Foundational Level of the Tech to Teaching Certificate Program offered by the CTL. The "Academic Well-being" workshop is offered as part of TA Training for undergraduate teaching assistants.

Prof. Cindy Xiong Bearfield joins the VIS group

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Assistant Professor Cindy Xiong Bearfield is joining the School of Interactive Computing at Georgia Tech. She received her Ph.D. in Cognitive Psychology and her MS in Statistics from Northwestern University. Her research at the intersection of human perception, cognition, and data visualization has been recognized with an NSF CAREER award and has received awards at premier venues in psychology and data visualization, including Psychonomics, ACM CHI, and IEEE VIS. She is also one of the founding leaders of VISxVISION, an initiative dedicated to increasing collaboration between visualization researchers and perceptual + cognitive psychologists.

Arpit receives Teaching Fellowship

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Arpit will work with the Center for Teaching and Learning in support of TA and future faculty programs. This joins his recognitions as a CIRTL Associate and a Tech to Teaching Fellow.

GT Vis attends ACM CHI 2023

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Greetings from Hamburg! The GT Visualization Lab contributed three papers and one late-breaking work to ACM CHI this year. The paper topics range from XAI and data preparation, to causal inference and multi-media content engagement.

Jay recieved an Apple Scholors Fellowship

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The Apple Scholars in AI/ML PhD Fellowship aims to support and amplify emerging leaders in their field and their cutting-edge machine learning research.

Jim enshrined on the Vis Lab Wall of Fame

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Jim is now retired but often still drops in on our weekly group meeting. Keep inspiring us, Jim!

Big showing at the GVU Research Showcase

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Arpit Narechania, Grace Guo, Adam Coscia, Yu Fu, Rishivanth Thulasiraman, Alex Bendeck, and Ting Yu presented their work across basketball analytics, bias mitigation, causal inference, stock trading, large language models, literature reviews, map making, and UX design at the 2022 Fall Research Showcase as part of the 30th anniversary celebrations of the GVU Center. Check out a virtual tour through these projects here.

New release of NL4DV

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We have provided a new release of the NL4DV toolkit that helps people add natural language capabilities to their visualization applications. This release supports follow-up queries.

Arpit wins TA award

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Arpit Narechania won the Center for Teaching and Learning's Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA) of the Year Award in the School of Interactive Computing. Arpit was a GTA to Alex Endert for CS4460 during Fall 2021.

We are hiring

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We are looking to add a new visualization-focused faculty member in IC this academic year. Job Ad

VIS 21 Participation

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The GT Visualization Lab contributes to the VIS conference this year in a number of ways. This includes 5 papers, 2 short papers, 3 posters, 2 keynote presentations, and 1 panel discussion participation.

Recent Grads

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Congratulations to our recent PhD graduates Arjun Srinivasan, John Thompson, and Po-Ming (Terrance) Law. They are moving on to Tableau, Microsoft Research, and Epsilon, respectively.

New EuroVis papers

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The Vis Group contributed to EuroVis 2021, including serving on the Program Committee and publishing a new paper. The STAR report describes the results of a structured literature review that examines how user-centered evaluations of XAI tools can be categorized.

Haekyu Park wins JPMorgan Chase AI Research Ph.D. Fellowship

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Haekyu's human-centered approach increases machine learning interpretability for the financial tech sector with a newly awarded 2021 JPMorgan Chase AI Research Ph.D. Fellowship.

Clio awarded NSF CAREER award

This project will advance the quantiative study of interpersonal relationships and connectivity in geographic space, with an emphasis on best practices for spatial modeling, visualization, representation, software and exploratory spatial data analysis. We look forward to sharing our new data repository, R Code and visuals with the public so that social network researchers and mappers can learn how to combind SNs and GIS! The associated images are from Andris and colleages' paper on spatial social network analysis of mentorship ties from Big Brothers Big sisters.

Recent Grads

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VIS Group students Emily Wall, Bahador Saket, Fred Hohman, Hannah Kim, and Subhajit Das graduated! Congrats to them and to the next phase in their careers at Emory University, Mathworks, Apple, Megagon Labs, and 3M, respectively!

Welcome to new PhD students

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Welcome Adam Coscia and Yu Fu, who joined the Vis Group in Fall 2020! They are both pursuing their PhD in Human-Centered Computing.

Welcome to new PhD students

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Three new PhD students — Grace Guo, Arpit Narechania, and Shenyu Xu — have joined the VIS Group this fall. We look forward to getting to know them better and to all the great work they’ll be doing in the future.

Distinguished VIS Lecture Spring 2019

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In April, Alberto Cairo from the University of Miami visited and talked about his work. Alberto discussed how people often misinterpret visualizations, and what we can do to help this and to create better visualizations in general. Alberto spent the day with us in the GT Vis Lab, and also was the external member of John Thompson’s PhD thesis proposal committee. For more details about his talk, see the news release about it.

Recent Grads

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Congratulations to our recent PhD graduates Grace Guo, Hayeong Song, Arpit Narechania, and Jay Wang. They are moving on to Harvard (PostDoc), Western Digital (Research Data Scientist), Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Faculty), and OpenAI (Safety Researcher), respectively. In the photo, Hayeong and Arpit are with their advisors, John and Alex.

VIS 24 Participation

Picture of /assets/images/news/gt_vis_24.png

The GT Visualization Lab contributes to the VIS conference this year in a number of ways. This includes 10 papers, 4 workshop papers, and 5 posters.

CHI 24 Participation

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Grace receives IBM PhD Fellowship

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The IBM PhD Fellowship supports Ph.D. students with expertise artificial intelligence (AI), hybrid cloud technology, quantum computing, data science, security, and the next generation of cutting-edge processors. Read more about Grace's work here.

Professor John Stasko Earns IEEE VGTC Lifetime Achievement Award

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Professor John Stasko received the 2023 Lifetime Achievement Award from the IEEE VGTC. This award recognizes John for his “seminal contributions to the value of interaction in information and visual analytics research and to the design and evaluation of software and information visualization”. Read more about this award and John's research at here .

VIS 23 Participation

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The GT Visualization Lab contributes to the VIS conference this year in a number of ways. This includes 9 papers, and 3 posters.

Atlanta Vis Meet-up!

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A big thanks to Alex Endert and Emily Wall for hosting the Atlanta Vis Meet-up. It was exciting to have our colleagues from the Georgia Tech Visualization Group, the Cognition & Visualization Lab at Emory, Georgia State University, Google, Microsoft, and Augusta University share their fantastic projects.

Arpit facilitates TA and Future Faculty Workshops

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These workshops are offered by the Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) at Georgia Tech. The "Universal Design for Learning" workshop is part of the Foundational Level of the Tech to Teaching Certificate Program offered by the CTL. The "Academic Well-being" workshop is offered as part of TA Training for undergraduate teaching assistants.

Arpit is a Foley Scholar Finalist!

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The Foley Scholars Program recognizes the achievements of top graduate students whose personal vision and innovations in their research fields have the potential to shape how people interact with technology.

Prof. Cindy Xiong Bearfield joins the VIS group

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Assistant Professor Cindy Xiong Bearfield is joining the School of Interactive Computing at Georgia Tech. She received her Ph.D. in Cognitive Psychology and her MS in Statistics from Northwestern University. Her research at the intersection of human perception, cognition, and data visualization has been recognized with an NSF CAREER award and has received awards at premier venues in psychology and data visualization, including Psychonomics, ACM CHI, and IEEE VIS. She is also one of the founding leaders of VISxVISION, an initiative dedicated to increasing collaboration between visualization researchers and perceptual + cognitive psychologists.

Prof. Yalong Yang joins the VIS group

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Assitant Professor Yalong Yang joined the School of Interactive Computing at Georgia Tech this fall. He directs the Immersive Visualization & Interaction Lab (IVI Lab) focusing on building interactive systems in VR/AR for productivity. Yalong came to us from Virginia Tech, where he served as an Assitant Professor in the Department of Computer Science. He also spent two years as a Postdoctoral Fellow at Harvard University after obtaining his Ph.D. from Monash University, Australia. He brings added expertise in the area of VR/AR to the VIS group.

Arpit receives Teaching Fellowship

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Arpit will work with the Center for Teaching and Learning in support of TA and future faculty programs. This joins his recognitions as a CIRTL Associate and a Tech to Teaching Fellow.

John with his II Group family!

Picture of /assets/images/news/john-acmaward-iigroup-lunch.jpeg

Greetings from the Bay Area! Current students and alumni of the Information Interfaces Group celebrated John Stasko's ACM Fellow Award over a wonderful lunch and a tour through San Francisco.

GT Vis attends ACM CHI 2023

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Greetings from Hamburg! The GT Visualization Lab contributed three papers and one late-breaking work to ACM CHI this year. The paper topics range from XAI and data preparation, to causal inference and multi-media content engagement.

Arpit received Teaching Certificates

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The Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) facilitates a robust teaching certificate program to prepare graduate students and postdocs for academic faculty positions. These "future faculty" engage in a combination of courses, workshops, and online resources in evidence-based teaching followed by a mentored teaching capstone.

Jay recieved an Apple Scholors Fellowship

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The Apple Scholars in AI/ML PhD Fellowship aims to support and amplify emerging leaders in their field and their cutting-edge machine learning research.

John named an ACM Fellow

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This joins his 2014 IEEE Fellow recognition to complete the double of top recognitions for computer scientists.

Jim enshrined on the Vis Lab Wall of Fame

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Jim is now retired but often still drops in on our weekly group meeting. Keep inspiring us, Jim!

Arpit and Adam win Poster awards

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Narechania presented different ways to bin data on a map; Coscia presented their work on visualizing what large language models have learnt. Both won travel grants!

Big showing at the GVU Research Showcase

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Arpit Narechania, Grace Guo, Adam Coscia, Yu Fu, Rishivanth Thulasiraman, Alex Bendeck, and Ting Yu presented their work across basketball analytics, bias mitigation, causal inference, stock trading, large language models, literature reviews, map making, and UX design at the 2022 Fall Research Showcase as part of the 30th anniversary celebrations of the GVU Center. Check out a virtual tour through these projects here.

VIS 22 Participation

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The GT Visualization Lab contributes to the VIS conference this year in a number of ways. This includes 2 papers, 4 short papers, and 4 posters.

New release of NL4DV

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We have provided a new release of the NL4DV toolkit that helps people add natural language capabilities to their visualization applications. This release supports follow-up queries.

Fred wins SIGCHI dissertation award

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Dr. Fred Hohman won the SIGCHI Outstanding Dissertation Award and gave a talk at ACM CHI 2022 summarizing his dissertation and reflecting on his research on interactive interfaces for machine learning interpretability.

Arpit wins TA award

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Arpit Narechania won the Center for Teaching and Learning's Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA) of the Year Award in the School of Interactive Computing. Arpit was a GTA to Alex Endert for CS4460 during Fall 2021.

Arpit wins poster award

Picture of /assets/images/news/arpit_cridc2022_award.png

Arpit Narechania represented Team vitaLITy and won the College of Computing Award at the annual Career, Research and Innovation Development Conference (CRIDC) for their poster on VitaLITy Promoting Serendipitous Discovery of Academic Literature.

We are hiring

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We are looking to add a new visualization-focused faculty member in IC this academic year. Job Ad

Arjun wins dissertation award

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Arjun Srinivasan won the IEEE VGTC Award for the top Visualization-related PhD Dissertation of the past year for his work on multimodal interfaces to visualization systems.

VIS 21 Participation

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The GT Visualization Lab contributes to the VIS conference this year in a number of ways. This includes 5 papers, 2 short papers, 3 posters, 2 keynote presentations, and 1 panel discussion participation.

COVID-19 research awarded CDC contract

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The Center for Disease Control has awarded a $300,000 contract to Georgia Tech to help study human behavior and interaction with the COVID-19 Risk Assessment Tool, a mapping tool that allows users to assess the risk associated with attending events of different sizes. The team will be working with psychology resarchers at Duke University to measure how access to information changes behavioral response to attending events in the midst of COVID-19.

Recent Grads

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Congratulations to our recent PhD graduates Arjun Srinivasan, John Thompson, and Po-Ming (Terrance) Law. They are moving on to Tableau, Microsoft Research, and Epsilon, respectively.

New CHI papers

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VIS Group researchers contributed three full papers at CHI '21 on topics such as animated visualizations, natural language specifications of visualizations, and causal perception in Q&A systems.

New EuroVis papers

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The Vis Group contributed to EuroVis 2021, including serving on the Program Committee and publishing a new paper. The STAR report describes the results of a structured literature review that examines how user-centered evaluations of XAI tools can be categorized.

POInt Research Symposium

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The POInt Research Symposium was a hit. It drew 50 participants from across the world in a virtual setting to discuss the future of spatial data that represents points of interest. There were 13 speakers, including four Tech graduate students. The discussion session pointed to a clear need for more data/analysis on how POI usage, and how communities can map and make good use of these data. A special issue on Social Infrastructure in the journal of Computational Urban Science will invite papers on this topic.

Haekyu Park wins JPMorgan Chase AI Research Ph.D. Fellowship

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Haekyu's human-centered approach increases machine learning interpretability for the financial tech sector with a newly awarded 2021 JPMorgan Chase AI Research Ph.D. Fellowship.

Stasko interim chair for IC

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In March 2021, John became the Interim School Chair for the School of Interactive Computing in the College of Computing. John will lead IC while it undertakes the search process for a new full-time chair.

Clio awarded NSF CAREER award

This project will advance the quantiative study of interpersonal relationships and connectivity in geographic space, with an emphasis on best practices for spatial modeling, visualization, representation, software and exploratory spatial data analysis. We look forward to sharing our new data repository, R Code and visuals with the public so that social network researchers and mappers can learn how to combind SNs and GIS! The associated images are from Andris and colleages' paper on spatial social network analysis of mentorship ties from Big Brothers Big sisters.

Arpit wins poster award

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Arpit Narechania represented Team Lumos and won the Executive Vice President for Research (EVPR) Award at the annual Career, Research and Innovation Development Conference (CRIDC) for their poster on Lumos: Increasing Awareness of Biases during Visual Data Analysis.

Recent Grads

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VIS Group students Emily Wall, Bahador Saket, Fred Hohman, Hannah Kim, and Subhajit Das graduated! Congrats to them and to the next phase in their careers at Emory University, Mathworks, Apple, Megagon Labs, and 3M, respectively!

New VIS papers

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VIS Group members contributed to IEEE VIS 2020 through co-organizing workshops, serving on the organizing and program committees, and publishing new papers.

Welcome to new PhD students

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Welcome Adam Coscia and Yu Fu, who joined the Vis Group in Fall 2020! They are both pursuing their PhD in Human-Centered Computing.

Strong Showing at VIS ’19 in Vancouver

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GT Visualization researchers had multiple papers, posters, and organizational roles at the IEEE VIS 2019 meeting in Vancouver, Canada in October. Overall, we were part of six full papers, five short papers, three workshops, and a tutorial. Prof. Alex Endert served as Co-General Chair for the meeting, and Prof. John Stasko was inducted into the initial class of the Visualization Academy. To learn more about the specifics of their contributions, please see the press release about involvement.

Welcome to new PhD students

Picture of /assets/images/news/2019_new_phd_students.png

Three new PhD students — Grace Guo, Arpit Narechania, and Shenyu Xu — have joined the VIS Group this fall. We look forward to getting to know them better and to all the great work they’ll be doing in the future.

Prof. Clio Andris joins the VIS group

Picture of /assets/images/news/2019_new_faculty_clioandris.png

Assistant Professor Clio Andris joined Georgia Tech this fall and holds a joint appointment between the Schools of City and Regional Planning and Interactive Computing. Dr. Andris comes to us from Penn State University where she served as Assistant Professor in the Department of Geography. She founded and directed the Friendly Cities Lab and conducts research in the areas of spatial networks and social flow theory. She brings added expertise in the area of geovisualization to the VIS group.

Distinguished VIS Lecture Spring 2019

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In April, Alberto Cairo from the University of Miami visited and talked about his work. Alberto discussed how people often misinterpret visualizations, and what we can do to help this and to create better visualizations in general. Alberto spent the day with us in the GT Vis Lab, and also was the external member of John Thompson’s PhD thesis proposal committee. For more details about his talk, see the news release about it.